PyScripter is a source-code editor that was especially designed for Python programming language. It is also able to edit code written in C/C++, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, XML, etc., but its main purpose is to provide developers with a solution for writing and debugging Python code. The program is open source and runs on both 32- and 64-bit systems.
PyScripter is designed for developers; therefore, it requires additional programming knowledge in order to be used properly. Beginners are offered access to a large and comprehensive Help manual which will help them quickly understand about the functionality of PyScripter. Advanced users, on the other hand, can take advantage of a large number of tools and features offered by the program.
Its graphical user-interface can be customized in many ways in order to maximize efficiency. Also, it comes with some appealing predefined skins. Users are offered the possibility to arrange the panels in the main window as they wish.
PyScripter 2.5.3 comes with many improvements. The most important is that it now properly runs on 64-bit system. Yet, in order to be able to work with PyScripter, you also need to install Python in your system.
PyScripter is a powerful environment for editing and debugging Python code. It will be highly appreciated by Python programmers.
Comments (2)
"Require Python to be installed": LOL, of course you need it. It's only a comfortable editor... and you can decide, what Python version you will use.
"Requires advanced programming knowledge": LOL, if you want to code in Python than you also have to learn Python like any other programming language.